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Harnessing AI for Associations: Tools & Trends to Watch
2023 may be the year of AI, with the use of and widespread familiarity with tools like Chat GPT exploding. Generative AI is changing everything. In fact, in terms of the widespread adoption of technology, we’ve never seen anything like it. From the creation of the first mobile phone, it took 16 years before one hundred million people were using them. Similarly with social media, the journey for Instagram to one hundred million users was a time span of two and a half years. Chat GPT, a generative AI tool, reached the one hundred million user mark in just two months!
The future holds endless possibilities as society harnesses the power of AI. Its various forms are yet to be fully developed. In whatever areas though, let’s demand that the companies developing these technologies approach the process with a responsible and ethical use of AI, that human involvement in AI is elevated, and that data privacy and data security are maintained at the deepest levels.
What you’ll learn about:
Software that associations can use to leverage the power of AI
How content creation, content curation, and other areas are being impacted by AI
What is responsible use of AI and keeping humans in control mean on a practical level
The AI trust gap and the importance of a well-constructed approach to data privacy